TAXI Driver: That’s about it. Another profession is becoming obsolete, although no one wants to admit it out loud. Traditional taxis are giving way to modern ride-hailing apps. Passengers appreciate the convenience, safety, and price transparency offered by the most well-known ones like Uber, Bolt, or FREENOW.
Taxi Driver Currently
It was to be expected. After more than five hundred years, the taxi driver profession, in its traditional form, is dying out. You can see it every day; it can’t be hidden. Because every profession requires revolution and change. In this case, I observe it too. Honestly, I also add that I’m not sorry about it at all. Why? Who would want to take a ride with the proverbial Mr. Mietek, in whose car a thick cloud of cigarette smoke lingers? No one misses such a car interior. If I had to choose between a ride in such conditions and a walk, do you know what I always chose? A walk.

How was it in the past?
Besides, the taxi drivers themselves, I apologize for using the masculine form here because I don’t remember any woman from that period who wanted to do this job. It was something like hunting for a customer. Many hours spent in the car at the depot. And calling the TAXI booth, where phones were answered by men waiting in line… The worst kind of taxi drivers were those who preyed on people visiting an unfamiliar city. They could cheat at every possible step. Exploiting tourists’ unfamiliarity with the geography of the place they came to, they offered much longer routes so that passengers had to pay more. It was hard to prove back then because there were no phones with color displays, loaded maps, and GPS. I’m very glad that’s no longer the case. These will only be memories. Let the first one cast a stone who has not been ripped off by a cunning taxi driver at least once. However, to not be one-sided, I admit that perhaps there are a few who sentimentally claim they were fans of such TAXI rides. But let’s agree, they will be few.
Taxi Driver Profession?
Although the history of this profession is long and fascinating, it is currently losing significance due to the growing popularity of apps offering transport services like Uber, Bolt, or FREENOW. Traveling with them is much simpler, safer, and definitely more comfortable. There’s nothing easier than downloading an app to your phone, quickly creating an account, and immediately being able to order a ride. The advantage of rides on apps is that they have a predetermined price, meaning when you decide on a ride, you know right away how much you will pay for it. This is a convenience that suits everyone. An Oscar should be awarded to the person who once came up with this idea and realized it. We know the specific route we will take. The driver is seen via GPS signal in real-time, the ride is recorded, so the passenger can share it with someone they trust. What more could you want? Safety is fundamental. We live in times of control, so it’s no wonder that since we are evaluated at every step, we automatically want to control as well. Using rides on the app is one of those solutions. The revolution in the taxi industry has truly brought many benefits to passengers. Ride-hailing apps have become not only a trend but also a daily reality, offering passengers many conveniences. Thanks to them, passengers can easily and comfortably order rides.
App Partner
The comfort, cleanliness of the taxi, and, above all, the quality of the cars hitting the streets are the responsibility of the app partner. Randomly, I wanted to profile the most popular one in Łódź. The app partner plays a key role in this system, providing support to drivers in various areas, such as work-related formalities, training, and assistance in the daily use of the app. Avalon Logistics Group, currently the best and most stable option, has a large fleet of cars, their selection at various rental prices, and comprehensive customer service. This has a huge impact on the quality of transport services by ensuring standards and procedures that can contribute to increasing passenger trust.
Women on Board!
It’s also interesting that more and more women are joining the industry and driving taxis. This is an incredible breakthrough in this field of work and speaks to the really high quality of services provided. I once had the opportunity to travel to the airport with a female driver. She inspired me with her story that she started this job as a so-called side gig when she was on maternity leave and was looking for a steady new job but wanted financial fluidity and independent earnings. Initially, she did a few rides a day, then more. In the end, she stopped looking for another job, and logging into the app became her full-time job. She didn’t regret it. She was really satisfied with the job. She mentioned the freedom, setting her own schedule, logging into the app according to her needs. It’s convenient whenever she needs to take a day off or a longer vacation to take care of her child. She doesn’t have to report it to a boss and ask for it. What’s more? She likes driving, so every car ride relaxes her. And she also likes talking to people, meeting new ones, exchanging experiences. I got the impression that I met a person for whom this is a dream job.
No matter how you look at it, I can’t imagine life without rides on apps anymore. I don’t see any other and better solution that would be so beneficial for both sides. Building a sense of security in today’s world is treated as a priority. Traditional taxis are becoming obsolete, giving way to modern ride-hailing apps. Passengers appreciate the convenience, safety, and price transparency offered by apps like Uber, Bolt, or FREENOW. App partners, like Avalon Logistics Group, ensure high service standards and care for the comfort of travelers. In a word, the future of urban transport belongs to innovative technological solutions.